Thursday, April 1, 2010

THE CALL .... Chosen?

In our presumption we all think that if the Lord himself (in the flesh) came to us and called us, we would hear him and follow. Perhaps. Do you hear him now saying, "Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me."? Do YOU? He's saying it to you now.

Self is the most virulent enemy of Jesus. Serving self rather than serving God. What I want. What I think I want. What I think I need. What I want to eat. What I want to wear. Where I want to go. Where I want to live. What career will be the most profitable for me. How can I make the most money and live comfortably? I want to live in the right neighborhood. I want to have the right friends. The operative word here seems to be "I".

The call went out to Andrew and Peter (Simon) and they followed. They left their boats, their family, their way of life and followed a man they hardly knew. The call went out to those that were in Zebedee's boat, he, the father, his hired servants and his two sons, James and John. All heard the Lord's call. "Follow Me." They all heard....but they all did not have ears to hear. Only James and John followed Jesus.

Do you hear the bridegroom calling you, "Come away my beloved...come away." ? You need to. He's calling. Many are called but few are chosen. Deny the world and all the voices it brings. Deny yourself and all you think you want, engage yourself in cross carrying obedience to the Lord..your Master and coming King. His is the only voice of any worth. Sell all you have to buy it.

I want to be chosen this time. For this one great calling, I want to be chosen. Don't you?

"And straightway he called them: and they left their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants and went after him. Mark 1:20

Praying for you,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your thoughts on God's calling. "He is the only coice of any worth."
